Instagram—the worlds most popular camera filter and image sharing mobile app—has further expanded from its mobile roots today. Likes, comments and your Instagram feed are no longer trapped inside your mobile device.
This isn’t the first attempt at bridging the gap between desktop and mobile for the the Facebook-owned app, which was originally for iPhone only. The app later expanded into Android and then jumped on to the desktop browser with photo pages and eventually profile pages.
Up until now, these old photo pages allowed for zero interaction. Meaning you could only see what likes and comments were already there and then move along. And for a business trying to engage with and find new customers, that just wasn’t going to cut it.
With today’s enhancement you can expand your business’s engagement strategy while smashing through the limitations of mobile device keyboards and the sub-four-inch screen. No more idle employees waiting for the next customer to walk in. Those employees can now pick up the slack in the social media rope and pull in new business.
Lastly, it’s important to cover the few features missing from the enhancement—besides the fact you can’t publish photos on desktop. Most notably, there is no search or explore option, the iconic Popular Page is conspicuously absent and hashtags do not work.