Thryv® Listings Management Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: May 6, 2024

These Listings Management Terms and Conditions govern your use of the online business listings application services (the “Listings Service”) and supplements your Thryv Platform Services Terms and Conditions. Capitalized terms used but not defined in these terms and conditions will have the same meaning given in the Thryv Platform Services Terms and Conditions.

  1. If you subscribe to the Listings Service, your Thryv Services will include: (i) syndication of your business listing information to our owned and operated internet directory websites and to various third-party business directories and search engines (the “Listing Partner Sites”) of providers who participate in the Listings Service (the “Listing Partners”); and (ii) the ability to view and manage your business listing information and see status across various Listing Partner Sites.
  2. Limitations. You hereby acknowledge and agree that (i) the Listing Partner Sites are subject to change at any time, (ii) all content submitted by you shall be subject to the Listing Partners’ standards and policies, and that any such content may be rejected, in whole or in part, by a Listing Partner at any time in its sole discretion, or modified at any time to comply with such policies, (iii) we do not guarantee that any listing or tag will be displayed on any Listing Partner Site, (iv) if the Listing Management service is terminated, Listing Partners may, at their sole discretion, revert business data to the manner in which it appeared prior to the Listings Service being provided, and (v) the appearance and/or location of any listing tag placement may change at any time. WE SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY CHANGE IN THE LISTING PARTNER SITES, FOR ANY DECISION BY A LISTING PARTNER TO REJECT OR MODIFY ANY CONTENT SUBMITTED BY YOU, OR FOR ANY OTHER DECISION, CHANGE OR OTHER ACTION DESCRIBED IN CLAUSES (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) OR (v) OF THE PRECEDING SENTENCE. WE ALSO HAVE NO LIABILITY SHOULD ANY LISTING PARTNER REFUSE TO UPDATE, CHANGE OR REMOVE BUSINESS LISTING DATA OR REFUSE TO ACCEPT DATA POINTS WE PROVIDE. You agree to abide by any third-party terms or restrictions associated with the Service.
  3. Licenses. We hereby grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right and license to access and use the Listings Service and related dashboard solely in connection with your legitimate business needs. This license will terminate in the event your subscription to the Thryv Services expires or is terminated, in which case you will immediately cease any further use of the Listings Service and dashboard.
  4. Trademarks. The trademarks, service marks, logos and any designs used or displayed on the Listings Service are trademarks and/or service marks owned by us or our licensors. Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any of our trademarks displayed on the Listings Service without our prior, written permission in each instance. The appearance of any third-party trademarks does not in any way imply any connection, license, approval, or other such relationship of any kind with such third party.